Special thanks to Monica and Marlyn Eshelman who researched and photographed Greenwick in 2005. Nadine Taylor and Betty Halvorsen 2005-2008. Monica Eshelman continues to research and update the database for Greenwick including content development for the QR code project.

Contact information-kurt@kccemeteryman.com

June 2023, Fox 4 Kansas City ran this featured segment highlighting the ongoing restoration work at Greenwick.

Since 2021, Kurt Jordan has worked tirelessly to restore over one hundred markers in need of repair at Greenwick. He has trained and honed his restoration skills by working with Jonathon Appell from Atlas Preservation. Mr. Appell is recognized as one of the leading cemetery preservationist in the country.

In July 2023 , a QR code (quick-response code) project was launched at Greenwick. This platform enables current and future visitors to scan, retrieve and read the life stories  and history of the families at Greenwick. Thus far, over fifty five unique QR codes have been placed near family markers for easy access.

 After collaborating for over one year on the QR project, Monica Eshelman (one extraordinary genealogist and Greenwick historian)  and Kurt Jordan met on-site at Greenwick Cemetery in 2023 to install the final QR code markers.

Volunteer efforts have been essential for over 100 years in protecting and preserving this sacred site for the souls at rest in Greenwick.